Instructions for the
Java Key-Frame Animator
University of Washington Computer Engineering
CSE 341 Java Project
By Grant Jorde 1998
1) Draw a key-frame picture on the white canvas by selecting a drawing tool and color from the left checkboxes.
2) Edit your drawing by selecting the pick tool to move a shape, the pick-part tool to resize or reshape a shape, or the toggle fill tool to change a shape's color or filled property.
3) Finalize your drawing by entering a time value (for example 0.0) in the time text box and hit the SetFrame button. Now your picture is stored away by the time value.
4) Alter your drawing by moving, reshaping, or resizing your shapes and then type a new value in the time text box (for example 1.0) and again hit the SetFrame button. NOTE: You can add new shapes but you can't change a shapes filled property or color after you have Set the frame.
5) Repeat step 4 until you don't want to add any more keyframes at new times.
6) Hit the Play or Rewind button to begin the animation which will give a smooth interpolating animation between the keyframe pictures you have drawn. The animation starts at the time you specify.
7) Stop or Pause the animation at any time and edit a keyframe by entering the time value for the keyframe and hitting return.
NOTE: For smoother animation change the time increment value to a smaller number, for faster animation increase the value.